松風作 本刃付ツバ付牛刀 180mmMatsukaze Chefs' Knife for professional use 180mm

Point 1

高品質の日本製 切れ味抜群!
Made in Japan! Chiefs' Knife with Outstanding Sharpness.

硬度、刃の耐久性、切れ味共に優れた商品です。 This product has excellent hardness, blade durability and sharpness.

Point 2

Professional Knife with Using Carbon Steel NKS-52

肉に特化した万能包丁。肉の調理はもちろん、魚、野菜、果物にまで幅広くご利用頂けます。 A versatile kitchen knife that is specialized for meat. Can be used widely from meat dishes to fish, vegetables and fruits.

Point 3

For You Who Are Authentic!

プロの料理人からご家庭用にも最適。 From professional chefs to homemakers.